• Search Hook Custom printing solution like no other, includes Graphics design, Call Now: 416-726-0150
    Custom Printing
    SHOW NOW JUST $650

We Create Custom Printing Media

Showcase your brand with custom printing solutions by Search Hook Print Media.

… when we say custom we really mean it!

Looking for a unique way to advertise your business?

Search Hook Printing solutions offer custom printing solutions with a wide selection of products including stickers and label printing, corporate trade shows large format, catalog/product, displays, to learn more about the best custom printing solutions for your business just view and download our catalog product below:


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Ask us any questions...and please describe all your printing needs including turnaround time frame, and send artwork sample bellow.
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Custom Print Media Marketing Products Ideas

Think Different. Think Unique. Get Noticed.

Our Custom Printing Capability



It all starts in prepress. From file imposition to proofing, our experienced staff are experts at preparing native files or PDF’s.

Prodigy Graphics’ prepress capabilities include:

  • Fuji XMF workflow
  • Epson Stylus Pro 9900 44″ 11 color proofer
  • Oris Colour Management System
  • Fuji Javelin 8800 CTP, thermal, 30 plates/hr


Need sheetfed printing? Need heatset web printing?

Web Press

  • Komori System 20, heatset, 6/6
  • Variable width up to 20″, 23″ static cut-off
  • In-line folder, sheeter, perf, remoisten glue

Sheetfed Presses

  • 41.7″ Heidelberg XL106, 6 color + AQ
  • 41.7″ Heidelberg XL105, 5 color + AQ


And finally, it’s Finishing. Trimming, stitching, folding, padding, die cutting, whatever you need, we get it done.

  • Three Polar Cutting systems (60″ & 45″) with auto trim and jogger
  • Muller Martini Bravo saddle stitcher, 6 pockets plus cover
  • Muller Martini Presto saddle stitcher, 3 pockets plus cover
  • Stahl and MBO folders with in-line perfing and scoring
  • Heidelberg Cylinder Die Cutter (maximum 21″x29″)
  • Full perimeter hi-die die cutter (maximum 14″x14″)
  • Other equipment including drills, shrink wrappers, single head stitchers, round cornering machines, padding.

Printing Product Turnaround Information

Understanding Printing Process Sep By Step

The table below is provided to help you understand where each step is in the production process. You can always contact us to request a product update.

Issue Pre-Press Printing Post-Press Delivery

Awaiting Artwork: We have not received the artwork files for this job

Awaiting Preview Approval: Preview(s) for your job has been created and emailed to you for approval.

Not all jobs receive previews

On Hold: There is a problem with your art files or we are waiting on approval/action from you. The accompanying description will explain more.

Status Adjustment: Your job is progressing normally, but the status is being adjusted

Quality Control Reprint: Your job is being reprinted, due to a quality issue

Reprint: Your job is being reprinted

Discarded: Your job has been discarded, per your request.

Canceled: Your job has been canceled.

New: the job is received

Pre-Flight: Your job is being checked for errors

Batch Staging: Your job is being prepared for imposition

Batch Imposition: Your job is in imposition. Your job is being prepared to be batched for print.

Pre-Press: Your job is prepared to be plated

Plated: Your job has been etched onto Printing Plates

On Press: Your job is being printed

UV Coating: Your job is in the coating process

Cutting: Your job is in our cutting dept.

Finishing: Your job is in the finishing dept.

Bindery: Your job is in the bindery dept.

Bindery Complete: Your job’s bindery is complete.

Mailing: Your mailing job is in the mailing dept.

Mailing Addressing: Your mailing job is being addressed

Packaging: Your job is being packaged

Delivery Pending: Your job is being prepared for delivery

On Pallet for Delivery: Your job is on a pallet, prepared for delivery

Out for Local Delivery: Your job is on the truck ready for delivery

Delivered: Your job has been delivered

Pickup Staging: Your job is being prepared for pickup, but is not ready

OK to Pickup: Your job is now ready for pickup

Picked Up: Your job has been picked up

Mailed: Your mailing job has been mailed

Shipped: Your job has shipped. It may take up to 24 hours before tracking status is available from UPS.

Complete: Your job is complete

Need Graphics Design? We can help you! We can create professional print ready graphics for any of our printing product line.